Joint action on strengthening cooperation on tobacco control between Member States and the European Commission

General objective of JATC2

The general objective of this project is to support the implementation of the European Tobacco Directive (TPD) and also the European Directive on Tobacco Advertising (TAD), to promote activities aligned with the objectives of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) of the World Health Organization (WHO). JATC1, has contributed to the implementation of certain areas of laboratory capacity, testing methods of tobacco products and related products, regulation of ingredients and has carried out agreements to share data contained in the Common Entry Gate of the European Union (EU-CEG) that allow the analysis of these. The JATC2 program builds on the results obtained by JATC1 and adds new pillars to it.

Specific objectives of JATC2

  • Ensure effective coordination with special attention to digital tools that ensure the sustainability and progression of the project even in a world in crisis such as the current pandemic situation.
  • Support the dissemination of information to the public, regulators and researchers.
  • Integrate the results into national policies and ensure that the results of the project are sustainable once the project is completed.
  • Facilitate the exchange of good practices among Member States in order to improve the implementation of TPD and delegated and implementation resolutions related to tobacco products and e-cigarettes, including laboratory capacity, analysis and assessment.
  • Ensure greater consistency in the application of the TPD by ensuring a fair internal market for tobacco and related products, especially with regard to market surveillance and compliance.
  • Promote activities aligned with the objectives of the WHO-FCTC to promote better implementation of the objectives of the FCTC itself.
  • Identify and assess current legislation, concerning, but not limited to, tobacco advertising and other emerging products.
  • Identify and develop best practices regarding tobacco’s end-of-play strategy and the expansion of smoke-free spaces.

The Tobacco Control Unit-Catalan Institute of Oncology, UCT-ICO participates in this project as leader of WP8 and also as national coordinator (Competent Authority in Spain). From Spain, 6 other entities participate in this JATC, 4 as affiliated entities (Bellvitge Research Institute, IDIBELL; International University of Catalonia, UIC; National Center for Tobacco Prevention, CNPT; Because we do, XQNS) and two as collaborators (Ministry of Health and Non-smokers).


36 months from 1/10/2021 to 30/09/2024


Concesión No. 101035968 Comisión Europea HaDEA (€3,124,999.51)

Coordination of JATC2:

Jakob Graulund Jørgensen (Danish Safety Technology Authority, Dinamarca)

JATC2 is constituted by:

  • 9 work packages
  • 21 participating European countries
  • 36 participating institutions
  • 13 collaborating partners

Research group (UCT):

Esteve Fernández (principal investigator of WP8); Dolors Carnicer-Pont; Olena Tigova

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Project management structure and organizational chart

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Competent institutions participating:

  1. DSTA Sikkerhedsstyrelsen, Denmark
  2. CIPH Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo, Croatia
  3. NIJZ Nacionalni institut za javno zdravje, Slovenia
  4. DGS Ministerio da saude – República portuguesa, Portugal
  5. FPSH Service public federal santé publique, securité de la chaîne alimentaire et
    environnement, Belgium
  6. ANSES Agence nationale de la securité sanitaire de l’alimentation de
    l’environnement et du travail, France
  7. ISS Istituto superiore di sanita, Italy
  8. NAAC Cyprus national addictions authority, Cyprus
  9. THL Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, Finland
  10. HSE Health service executive, Ireland
  11. NMoH The norwegian ministry of health and care services, Norway
  12. FOHM Folkhalsomyndigheten, Sweden
  13. RIVM Rijksinstituut voor volksgezondheid en milieu, Netherlands
  14. TA Terviseamet, Estonia
  15. NPHO Ethnikos organismos dimosias ygeias, Greece
  16. OKPI Orszagos koranyi pulmonologiai intezet, Hungary
  17. IPHS Institut za zastitu zdravlja srbijedr milan jovanovic batut, Serbia
  18. AGES Osterreichische agentur fur gesundheit und ernahrungssicherheit gmbh,
  19. BFR Bundesinstitut fuer risikobewertung, Germany
  20. ICO Institut catala d’oncologia, Spain
  21. NTAKD Narkotiku tabako ir alkoholio kontroles departamentas, Lithuania

Work packages

Title of the work package (WP)


Overall objective of the work package


Work Package Leader


WP1 Coordination


Coordinate the project implementation DSTA


WP2 Dissemination


Maximize the impact of the project by consulting the actors involved and disseminate the results of the project to the target audiences NPHO


WP3 Evaluation


Evaluate the results of JATC2 AGES


WP4 Sustainability and cooperation across Europe


Ensure sustainability during and after the completion of JATC2 by strengthening the cooperation of competent authorities for the harmonized implementation of compliance with the TPD and TAD ISS


WP5 Analysis of EU-CEG data and strengthening laboratory capacity for regulatory purposes Support Member States and their competent authorities to use the information provided by tobacco companies to the common database (EU-CEG) and strengthen compliance with the rules ANSES


WP6 Reinforcement to ensure compliance with tobacco regulations Strengthen the capacities of Member States to enforce regulations, sharing common experiences, challenges and solutions. DSTA


WP7 Health Impact and Regulatory Implications of E-Cigarettes and Novel Tobacco Products (TCNs) Increase knowledge and understanding of the properties, health impact and regulatory implications of novel tobacco products (TCNs) and e-cigarettes.





WP8 Legislation on Smoke-Free Spaces (SFE) and Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship of Tobacco Products (TAPS) Identify and select best practices to address the challenges of achieving smoke-free spaces (SFE) in Europe (FCTC Art. 8) and evaluate the implementation and impact of tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship in Europe (FCTC Art.13) ICO


WP9 Best practices for the development of an effective and comprehensive end-of-tobacco strategy.


Identify national tobacco strategies, explore and exchange best practices in the development, implementation and evaluation of such strategies and policies for their development





Expected results and benefits of the project

The expected results of this project are:

    • A friendlier EU-CEG interface, which will promote its wider use
    • A sustainable EU-CEG data sharing plan, which will facilitate the use of a wider audience, especially researchers
    • A harmonised approach to market surveillance and enforcement, which will strengthen consumer protection and ensure a fairer internal market.
    • A recommendation to update tobacco advertising standards, which means less exposure to unaccepted commercial activities, a decrease in new smokers and the total prevalence of smokers
    • A harmonised approach to establishing smoke-free spaces (SFE) that will decrease exposure to second-hand smoke
    • A strategy to end tobacco that achieves a smoke-free generation and a decrease in smoke-related diseases and deaths tobacco.
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