Evaluation of the Spanish tobacco control Law 28/2005 in the hospitality industry

Impact assessment of the new “Law regulating sales, supply, consumption and advertising of tobacco products” on second-hand smoke exposure levels: sub-project about saliva cotinine levels among hospitality workers

Ireland was a pioneer with the introduction in March 2004 of measures restricting smoking in workplaces, including pubs and restaurants. The assessments of compliance with the law during the first year of its entry into force, were positive, with significant reductions in the concentrations of ultrafine particles, CO and benzene in pubs or significant improvements in lung function of hospitality workers. In Spain the “Law regulating sales, supply, consumption and advertising of tobacco products” (Draft Bill 121/000036) was implemented in 2006. This new Law banned smoking in workplaces, including hospitality sectors, as it had been already successfully done in other European countries.

Main objective 
To determine the levels of exposure to tobacco smoke through a questionnaire and the measurement of salivary cotinine concentration among non-smoke employees before and after the enactment of the law (at short, medium and long term).

Prospective cohort study. The cohort was composed of a convenience sample of smokers and nonsmokers hospitality workers in five autonomous regions (n = 431). These individuals identified before the introduction of the law, were contacted at four different times: before the law and at 4 months, 16 months and 24 months after the enactment of the law. Active smoking, passive exposure and attitudes and beliefs towards the legislation by participants were assessed through interviews with a questionnaire, as well as by collecting saliva samples to determine the cotinine concentration by capillary gas chromatography–mass spectrometry method.


Financial Support
Grant PI052072 (186,830,00 €, in three annual payments) from the Health Research Fund of the Institute of Health Carlos III (European Regional Development Fund, ERDF)

Research Team

  • Esteve Fernández (Principal Investigator, ICO-IDIBELL)
  • Sonia Álvarez (Dirección General de Drogodependencias, Gobierno de Cantabria)
  • Carles Ariza (ASPB)
  • Josep M. Borràs (ICO-IDIBELL)
  • Francisco Carrión (Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia)
  • Francesc Centrich (ASPB)
  • Marcela Fu (ICO-IDIBELL)
  • M. Jesús García (Dirección Xeral de Saúde Pública, Xunta de Galicia)
  • A. Arturo López (Servicio Balear de la Salud, Govern de les Illes Balears)
  • M. José López (ASPB)
  • Anna Martín (ICO-IDIBELL)
  • Fernando Martín Fuente (Centro de Salud Los Valles, Cantabria)
  • Jose M. Martínez-Sánchez (ICO-IDIBELL)
  • Glòria Muñoz (ASPB)
  • Manel Nebot (ASPB)
  • José A. Pascual (IMIM)
  • Pepa Pont (Direcció General de Salut Pública, Generalitat Valenciana)
  • Francesca Sánchez-Martínez (ASPB)
  • M. Isolina Santiago (Dirección Xeral de Saúde Pública, Xunta de Galicia)
  • Anna Schiaffino (ICO-IDIBELL)
  • Elena Tejera (Dirección General de Salud Pública, Govern de les Illes Balears)
  • Jorge Twose (Organització Catalana de Transplantaments)
  • Araceli Valverde (Direcció General de Salut Pública, Generalitat de Catalunya)


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  1. Fernández E, Fu M, Pascual JA, López MJ, Pérez-Ríos M, Schiaffino A, Martínez-Sánchez JM, Ariza C, Saltó E, Nebot M. Spanish Smoking Law Evaluation Group. Impact of the Spanish smoking law on exposure to second-hand smoke and respiratory health in hospitality workers: a cohort study. PLoS One. 2009;4:e4244.
  2. Nebot M, López MJ, Ariza C, Pérez-Ríos M, Fu M, Schiaffino A, Muñoz G, Saltó E, Fernández E. Spanish Smoking Law Evaluation Group. Impact of the Spanish smoking law on exposure to secondhand smoke in offices and hospitality venues: before-and-after study. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2009;117:344-7.
  3. Martínez-Sánchez JM, Fu M, Pérez-Ríos M, López MJ, Nebot M, Schiaffino A, Saltó E, Ariza C, Pascual JA, Fernández E. Spanish Smoking Law Evaluation Group. Exposición al humo ambiental del tabaco y concentración de cotinina en saliva en trabajadores de la hostelería (España, 2005). Archivos de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. 2009; 12:78-87.
  4. Martínez-Sánchez JM, Fernández E, Fu M, Pérez-Ríos M, López MJ, Ariza C, Pascual JA, Schiaffino A, Pérez-Ortuño R, Saltó E, Nebot M. Impact of the Spanish smoking law in smoker hospitality workers. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 2009;11:1099-106.
  5. Martínez-Sánchez JM, Fu M, Pérez-Ríos M, López MJ, Moncada A, Fernández E. DCOT study investigators. Spanish Smoking Law Evaluation Group. Comparing salivary cotinine concentration in non-smokers from the general population and hospitality workers in Spain. European Journal of Public Health. 2009;19:662-4.
  6. Martínez-Sánchez JM, Fenández E, Fu M, Pérez-Ríos M, Schiaffino A, López MJ, Alonso B, Saltó E, Nebot M, Borràs JM. Grupo de Evaluación de la Ley sobre medidas sanitarias frente al tabaquismo. Cambios en las expectativas y las actitudes de los trabajadores de la hostelería después de la ley de medidas sanitarias frente al tabaquismo. Gaceta Sanitaria. 2010;24:241-6.
  7. López MJ, Nebot M, Schiaffino A, Pérez-Ríos M, Fu M, Ariza C, Muñoz G, Fernández E. Spanish Smoking Law Evaluation Group. Two-year impact of the Spanish smoking law on exposure to secondhand smoke: evidence of the failure of the “Spanish model”. Tobacco Control. 2012;21:407-11.
  8. López MJ, Fernández E, Pérez-Rios M, Martínez-Sánchez JM, Schiaffino A, Galán I, Moncada A, Fu M, Montes A, Saltó E, Nebot M. Impact of the 2011 Spanish smoking ban in hospitality venues: indoor secondhand smoke exposure and influence of outdoor smoking. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 2013;15:992-6.


  1. Nebot M, Fernández E (coordinadors). Ariza C, Fernández E, Fu M, Galán I, López MJ, Martínez-Sánchez JM, Moncada A, Montes A, Nebot M, Pérez-Ríos M, Saltó E, Schiaffino A, Soriano MJ (autors). Evaluación del impacto de la Ley de medidas sanitarias frente al tabaquismo. Barcelona: Grupo de Trabajo de Tabaquismo-SEE, Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social, 2009.

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