ES·ESC: Follow-up study of the Cornellà Health Survey

Existe en España cohortes formadas con voluntarios, como son el proyecto MONICA sobre factores de riesgo cardiovascular, el estudio EPIC sobre dieta y cáncer o el estudio SUN sobre dieta y otros factores de riesgo. En nuestro país se han realizado diversas Encuestas de Salud de ámbito nacional, autonómico o local, pero no hay una tradición de estudios de seguimiento de la mortalidad y/o de la incidencia experimentada en estas muestras representativas de la población general, que fueron entrevistadas personalmente, y de las que se obtuvo información en relación no sólo a su estado de salud y estilos de vida sino también sobre comorbilidad y utilización de servicios sanitarios.

Main objective
The main project objective was to analyse the changes in tobacco, alcohol consumption and physical activity between 1994 (baseline interview) and 2002 (follow-up interview). Also, the project aimed to obtain information on other transversal health-related psychosocial factors (risk perception, locus of control, and social support) and investigate methodological aspects of the cohort studies.

Design: Prospective cohort study of a representative sample of the general population. Scope of the study: general non-institutionalized population of Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona). Subjects of the study: 1,237 men and 1,263 women interviewed in 1994 in Cornellà in 1994. Procedures: follow-up of the cohort and obtaining new information about lifestyles and incidence of diseases via personal telephone interview in 2002. The follow-up questionnaire was developed based on the one used at the baseline interview. The questionnaire was validated during the piloting process on a convenience sample of respondents. The determinants related to lifestyle changes and relative risk of developing studied diseases were analysed using Cox models and logistic regression.


Financial Support
Grant PI020261 (26,680.00 €, in three annual payments) of the Health Research Fund of the Institute of Health Carlos III (European Regional Development Fund, ERDF) and the contracts with Cornellà de Llobregat City Hall.

Research Team

  • Esteve Fernández (Inv. Principal, ICO-IDIBELL)
  • Josep Maria Borràs (ICO-IDIBELL)
  • Montse García (ICO-IDIBELL)
  • Mercè Martí (Aj Cornellà)
  • F. Javier Nieto (University of Wisconsin)
  • Glòria Pérez (DS)
  • Mercè Peris (ICO-IDIBELL)
  • Anna Schiaffino (ICO-IDIBELL)
  • Esteve Saltó (DS, ICO-IDIBELL)


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  1. García M, Schiaffino A, Fernández E, et al. The Cornella Health Interview Survey Follow-Up (CHIS.FU) Study: design, methods, and response rate. BMC Public Health. 2003; 3:12.
  2. García M, Schiaffino, Twose J, Borrell C, Saltó E, Peris M, Fernández E. Abandono del consumo de tabaco en una cohorte de base poblacional. Arch Bronconeumol. 2004; 40:344-350.
  3. Twose J, Schiaffino A, García M, Martí M, Fernández E, Investigadores del Estudio de Seguimiento de la Encuesta de Salud de Cornellà. Prevalencia de la exposición al humo ambiental del tabaco en Cornellà de Llobregat. Med Clin (Barc). 2004;123(13):496-498.
  4. García M, Fernández E, Schiaffino A, Borrell C, Martí M, Borrás JM; CHIS.FU Study Group. Attrition in a population-based cohort eight years after baseline interview: The Cornella Health Interview Survey Follow-up (CHIS.FU) Study. Ann Epidemiol. 2005;15(2):98-104.
  5. García M, Fernández E, Schiaffino A, Peris M, Borrás JM, Nieto J. Phonetracking in a follow-up study. Soz Präventivmed. 2005;50: 63-66.
  6. García M, Fernández E, Schiaffino A, Peris M, Borrás JM. Smoking reduction in a population-based cohort. Prev Med. 2005; 40: 679-684.
  7. García M, Fernández E, Borrás JM, Nieto J, Schiaffino A, Peris M, Pérez G, La Vecchia C. Cancer risk perceptions in an urban Mediterranean population. Int J Cancer. 2005; 7: 132-136.
  8. Twose J, Schiaffino A, García M, Borrás JM, Fernández E. CHIS.FU Investigators. Correlates of exposure to secondhand smoke in an urban Mediterranean population. BMC Public Health. 2007;7:194.
  9. Cornelio C, Schiaffino A, García M, Pérez G, Borrás JM, Peris M, Fernández E. Changes in leisure time and occupational physical activity over 8 years. The Cornella Health Interview Survey Follow-Up Study. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2008;62(3):239-44.
  10. Ortiz-Moncada R, García M, González-Zapata LI, Fernández E, Alvarez-Dardet C. Incidence of overweight and obesity in a Mediterranean population-based cohort: the Cornellà Health Interview Survey Follow-up Study (CHIS.FU). Prev Med. 2010;50(1-2):45-9.

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