Tobacco Control Unit has participated at de 3rd International Socidrogalcohol Congress

After more than a year with restrictions due to the Covid-19 global pandemic, face-to-face conferences have returned. One of the first in-person conferences has been the 3rd International Edition of the Socidrogalcohol Congress held in Barcelona from October 21 to 23 in which three members of the ICO’s Tobacco Control Unit (UCT )participated.

This year the congress was organized using a hybrid format to able to follow in person or online sessions. Topics related to stigma and risks of drugs, e-Health, brain stimulation, predictive models, new strategies implemented by the COVID-19 appearance, among others, were discussed. For more information see program link (

The UCT presented results of two studies. One was an oral communication, and the other was poster, both coordinated by Dr. Cristina Martínez (see below). In addition, Dr. Montse Ballbè gave a presentation on passive exposure to tobacco, cannabis, and other electronic products.

UCT Communications:

EFFECTIVENESS OF “061 QUIT MENTAL”. A MULTI-COMPONENT TELEPHONE INTERVENTION TO STOP SMOLING AFTER HOSPITALIZATION IN ACUTE PSYCHIATRY UNITS. Martínez, C., Ballbè,M., Feliu, A., Enríquez, M., Saura,J., Andreu, M., Barrio, P., Mondon, S., Pinet,C., Costa, S. ,Suelves, JM., Bernabeu,J., Raich, A., Nieva G., Roca, X., Hernández-Ribas,R., Cabezas, C., Guydish, J., and Fernández,E.

PERCEPTIONS AND EXPERIENCES OF CLINICANS TREATING TOBACCO USE AMONG CANNABIS USERS IN CRUG ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAMS: A QUALITATIVE STUDY. Martínez, C., Pla, M., Enríquez, M., Feliu, A.,Saura, J., Andreu, M., Mondon, S., Pinet,C., Castellano, Y., Roca, X., Cabezas, C., Suelves, JM., Barrio, P., Raich, A., Bernabeu, J., Guydish, J., and Fernández,E.

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