
La UCT dona suport a la Crida Ciutadana per aconseguir la primera generació Europea lliure de tabac d’aquí a l’any 2030.

La Unitat de Control del Tabac (UCT) de l’Institut català d’Oncologia s’ha unit a la Crida Ciutadana per aconseguir que Europa tingui la primera generació lliure de tabac per a l’any 2030. Aquesta iniciativa, liderada per diverses organitzacions europees incloent l’Institut Català d’Oncologia , té com a objectiu impulsar una sèrie de mesures que contribueixen […]

La UCT dona suport a la Crida Ciutadana per aconseguir la primera generació Europea lliure de tabac d’aquí a l’any 2030. Read More »

La Unitat de Control del Tabac va participar activament a la 9a Conferència Europea Tabac o Salut (ECToH)

La Unitat de Control del Tabac va participar activament a la 9a Conferència Europea Tabac o Salut (ECToH), celebrada a Madrid del 26 al 28 d’abril. Amb el lema “To achieve in 2040 a Tobacco Free Generation”, aquest fòrum, organitzat cada tres anys amb l’auspici de l’Associació de Lligues Europees del Càncer, reuneix les persones

La Unitat de Control del Tabac va participar activament a la 9a Conferència Europea Tabac o Salut (ECToH) Read More »

Publicats els resultats de les transicions del consum de tabac d’una cohort d’estudiants d’infermeria a Catalunya a la revista Journal of Advanced Nursing

Investigadors de la Unitat de Control del Tabac de l’Institut Català d’Oncologia-Universitat de Barcelona han publicat resultats sobre les transicions en el consum de productes de tabac en una cohort d’estudiants d’infermeria de Catalunya a la revista “Journal of Advanced Nursing”. Aquest estudi, finançat pel Consell de Col·legis d’Infermeres de Catalunya, va comptar amb 4.381

Publicats els resultats de les transicions del consum de tabac d’una cohort d’estudiants d’infermeria a Catalunya a la revista Journal of Advanced Nursing Read More »

Sharing the Catalan smoking cessation services system with Centro Asian countries

Dr. Cristina Martinez, deputy head of the Tobacco Control Unit (UCT) has participated in a training course for managers from 6 countries of the Central and Eastern European Region of the WHO to develop national smoking cessation programs. Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death and malaria in the WHO European Region and the

Sharing the Catalan smoking cessation services system with Centro Asian countries Read More »


The Tobacco Control Unit at the Catalan Institute of Oncology is leading the DuCATA project addressed to cannabis users who are assisted in substance abuse program (SAP) centers to quit or reduce this substance. The aim of the study is to characterize the consumption pattern of cannabis and tobacco and its withdrawal syndrome through a


The Unit researchers continue to collaborate with ENSP within EUREST-RISE

Dr. Marcela Fu and Prof. Esteve Fernández, senior researchers at the Tobacco Control Unit (TCU), have started in mid-March short-term secondments at the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP). This collaboration is conducted in the framework of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Programme-RISE project, EUREST-RISE, an initiative that aims to support an integrative series

The Unit researchers continue to collaborate with ENSP within EUREST-RISE Read More »

Curso presencial | Ciencia de Diseminación e Implementación: investigación y práctica

Organizado por la Unidad de Control del Tabaco del ICO en colaboración con la UB, IDIBELL, CIBERES y UTHealth, dirigido a estudiantes de posgrado y profesionales en activo del ámbito de las ciencias de la salud. Días: 27 y 28 marzo 2023 Horario: de 9:00 a 18:00 h Lugar: Aula 204, Campus de Bellvitge, UB

Curso presencial | Ciencia de Diseminación e Implementación: investigación y práctica Read More »

Esteve Fernández receives the Professional Excellence award from the Barcelona College of Physicians

The head of the Tobacco Control Unit of the Catalan Institute of Oncology, Esteve Fernández, was awarded the “Professional Excellence” award from the Barcelona College of Physicians (CoMB) in the 2022 edition, which awarded 51 doctors and four healthcare teams from the Barcelona regions. The winners stand out for excellence and quality in their professional

Esteve Fernández receives the Professional Excellence award from the Barcelona College of Physicians Read More »

The Tobacco Control unit accepts MSCA4Ukraine Fellows!

Our Tobacco Control Unit has registered as a host organisation for the MSCA4Ukraine, part of the Horizon Europe programme. This programme supports incorporation of the researchers from Ukraine who want to join European research centres for their pre-doctoral or post-doctoral research.   More information about the opportunity as well as apply for the fellowship here: https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/apply/sponsorship-programmes/msca4ukraine  

The Tobacco Control unit accepts MSCA4Ukraine Fellows! Read More »

The Unit researchers start collaboration with ENSP within EUREST-RISE

Dr. Cristina Martínez, senior researcher at the Tobacco Control Unit (TCU), has started in December her short-term secondment at the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP). This collaboration is conducted in the framework of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Programme-RISE project, EUREST-RISE is an initiative that aims to support an integrative series of research

The Unit researchers start collaboration with ENSP within EUREST-RISE Read More »

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