Author name: xesco

Tobacco Control Unit has participated at de 3rd International Socidrogalcohol Congress

After more than a year with restrictions due to the Covid-19 global pandemic, face-to-face conferences have returned. One of the first in-person conferences has been the 3rd International Edition of the Socidrogalcohol Congress held in Barcelona from October 21 to 23 in which three members of the ICO’s Tobacco Control Unit (UCT )participated. This year […]

Tobacco Control Unit has participated at de 3rd International Socidrogalcohol Congress Read More »

Activa participació de la Unitat de Control del Tabac de l’ICO en el XI Congrés del Comitè Nacional per a la Prevenció del Tabaquisme

Durant els passat dies 29 i 30 de setembre i 5 i 7 d’octubre s’ha celebrat, de forma telemàtica, el XI Congrés del Congrés del Comitè Nacional per a la Prevenció del Tabaquisme amb el lema “Vulnerabilitat, tabac i nicotina”. La Unitat de Control del Tabac (UCT) de l’ICO ha participat en el comitè científic

Activa participació de la Unitat de Control del Tabac de l’ICO en el XI Congrés del Comitè Nacional per a la Prevenció del Tabaquisme Read More »

ICO is implementing the campaign Allunyem el tabac (Move tobacco far away)

Since last May, together with the celebration of World No Tobacco Day, ICO implemented the campaign Allunyem el tabac, promoted by the Catalan Network of Smoke-Free Hospitals (UCT). This campaign aims to move tobacco use away from the hospital entrances with the ultimate goal of reducing the visibility of tobacco, denormalizing tobacco use and raising

ICO is implementing the campaign Allunyem el tabac (Move tobacco far away) Read More »

New article from the ECTEC study at the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.

Researchers at the Tobacco Control Unit-University of Barcelona have published results about  “knowledge, attitudes, and training in tobacco dependence and cessation treatment” from the ECTEC study at the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. Nursing students are part of the future health labor force; thus, knowing their knowledge and participation in tobacco control is of

New article from the ECTEC study at the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. Read More »

La Unitat de Control del Tabac participa a la Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología

Després de l’edició no presencial de l’any passat, el congrés de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología (SEE) ha aplegat més de 600 persones a la Universitat de Lleó. Entre elles, una quinzena de professionals de la Direcció d’Epidemiologia i Prevenció del Càncer i concretament tres persones de la Unitat de Control del Tabac (UCT) de

La Unitat de Control del Tabac participa a la Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología Read More »

Another new Doctor from the Tobacco Control Unit: Beladenta Amalia has defended her PhD thesis

We are very pleased that on 16th June 2021, one of our team members, Beladenta Amalia, has successfully presented her doctoral thesis entitled “Environmental and bystanders’ exposure to secondhand aerosols of electronic cigarettes in the European population” at Campus Bellvitge, Universitat de Barcelona. The Dissertation comprises five original papers in leading journals. The Dissertation comprehensively

Another new Doctor from the Tobacco Control Unit: Beladenta Amalia has defended her PhD thesis Read More »

El progreso del control del tabaco en América Latina: Resultados de la primera edición de la “Tobacco Control Scale” en las Américas

Os anunciamos el cuarto “Tobacco Control Webinar” del ICO/Centro Colaborador de la OMS para el Control del Tabaco. En esta ocasión, y como parte de nuestra celebración del Día Mundial sin Tabaco, presentaremos la versión para América Latina de la “Tobacco Control Scale” (TCS-LA). Desde el CC de la OMS hemos adaptado y pilotado en el continente americano la conocida escala

El progreso del control del tabaco en América Latina: Resultados de la primera edición de la “Tobacco Control Scale” en las Américas Read More »

Ph.D. thesis lecture by Ariadna Feliu: “Evaluation of tobacco control policy implementation in European and Latin American countries”

Yesterday, Monday 8th March, International Women’s Day, our colleague, Ariadna Feliu, read her doctoral thesis in the Hall of Degrees of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of Campus Bellvitge. The jury formed by the Professor of Public Health Ildefonso Hernández (Universidad de Alicante), the Dr María José Duaso (King’s College London) and the

Ph.D. thesis lecture by Ariadna Feliu: “Evaluation of tobacco control policy implementation in European and Latin American countries” Read More »

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