Feasibility of a population based lung cancer program

Today, one of the proposals to reduce mortality in lung cancer is to be able to perform a CT scan as a test to confirm the disease. But computed tomography, although performed at low doses, has some side effects. Thus, one of the objectives of screening programs is to be able to select those individuals at higher risk of developing lung cancer in order to increase the proportion of individuals who can benefit from periodic CT scans and to reduce the proportion of individuals with side effects. Implementation of an early lung cancer screening program is still a long way off and economic and technical feasibility studies are needed, especially related to the implementation of screening and the management of positive results. Lung cancer prevention has to be approached as a continuum throughout life, varying strategies depending on age, time of consumption and level of exposure. In this sense, smoking cessation should be promoted in the younger population to avoid cancer in the future and screening should be offered to people with a high risk of developing lung cancer today.

Cost-effectiveness and budgetary impact of three preventive strategies in lung cancer.

Funding Entity: Asociación Española contra el Cáncer-Junta Provincial de Barcelona (PROYBAR16909FU).
Principal Investigator: Fu M.
Collaborating researcher: Benito Ll, Binefa G, García M, Travier N, Vidal C.
Project duration: 2017-2018 (extension 2020).

Health and economic impact of lung cancer preventive strategies.

Health Research Fund (PI19/01118).
Principal Investigator: Díaz M.
Collaborating Researcher: Vidal C.
Project duration: 2020-2022

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